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Faculty satisfaction with online teaching: a comprehensive study with American faculty

, &
Pages 513-525 | Published online: 22 May 2020


The purpose of this research is to combine and extend the literature to determine which and to what extent various job-related factors influence faculty satisfaction with online teaching. A preliminary investigation was conducted to identify job-related factors that influence faculty satisfaction. An analytical study comprised of higher education faculty across the US was conducted for analyses. Herzberg’s two-factor theory is used as the framework for the factors being motivators or hygienes. An exploratory factor analysis was performed to identify the job-related factors based on the items determined from the preliminary investigation. Hierarchical linear regressions were conducted to determine the job-related factors’ influence on faculty satisfaction with online teaching. Crosstabulations were conducted for the item involving whether faculty are more satisfied with many or minimal interactions/relationships with students. The results indicate that most of the job-related factors significantly influence faculty satisfaction with online teaching. Overall, faculty are satisfied with online teaching.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

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