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Journal overview

Policy Reviews in Higher Education (PRiHE) is an international peer-reviewed journal publishing high-quality policy-focused and in-depth articles on higher education and related postsecondary and tertiary education.

Policy Reviews in Higher Education encourages authors from a range of national and disciplinary backgrounds to analyse higher education from fresh perspectives, including by drawing on concepts and theories from other academic fields and disciplines. We urge authors to evaluate the implications of their findings for the development and implementation of policy and policymaking.

As PRIHE moves into its next phase of development and growth, with new Editorial arrangements, we have revised the Submission process.

Submissions Welcome

Policy Reviews in Higher Education actively encourages original, in-depth analytic articles with an emphasis on policy. The aim is to encourage authors to address topics of policy significance which encourage international or cross-sectoral comparison and peer learning.

We encourage book review essays and invited policy-oriented commentary as appropriate. Special Issues or themes (consisting of 2-3 articles), will be considered from time to time, either prompted by a proposal from authors or by the Joint Editors. See Submission Process for details.

We actively encourage contributions which place a greater emphasis on thematic, disciplinary, sectoral and geographic diversity.

Submissions should be:

  • Reflections on implications for policy and decision-making affecting higher and other forms of postsecondary and tertiary education;
  • Historically and contextually-grounded and forward-looking;
  • Situated in regional and international contexts;
  • Presented in a style relevant to a policy and international readership;
  • Between 7,000 and 12,000 words (3,000 to 5,000 for book review essays and invited policy-oriented commentary); and
  • Written in high-quality English.

We actively discourage single case studies which do not identify or seek to address implications or lessons for policy.

Policy Reviews in Higher Education has revised our submission process.The process for submission is available at:  Instructions For Authors

Please see the Instructions for Authors for advice on the form and length of your Proposal.

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Associated journals

Journal cover image for Studies in Higher Education

Studies in Higher Education

Studies in Higher Education publishes international research on higher education issues including institutional management and performance, teaching and learning. 

Partial Access